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Harmonious Tracings

Curricular Unit, type Elective

UT Lisbon, Faculty of Architecture

Curricular Programme

Contact hours:
42 Laboratory Hours
Estimated Workload:

100 Hours


3,0 ECTS Credits



- Develop a sensibility on Harmony and Proportion applied to urban design, architecture and design; - Getting to know some theories on harmonious tracings;
- Learn how to apply harmonious tracings.


1. Historical Introduction / Introdução Histórica

    - Geometrical tracings in the West and its parallel in the East:

    - The orders according to Vitruvius, Serlio, Palladio and Le Corbusier;

    - The Ying Tsao fa chi of Li Kiai.

2. Harmonious tracings and anthropology / Os traçados harmoniosos e a antropométrica

    - Controntation between the human body and the orders

3. Harmonious tracings in architecture and design  / Os traçados harmoniosos na arquitectura e no design

    - Application of the theoretical concepts on architecture and design;

    - Harmonious principles of the East (Feng Shui);

    - Exercises



Main Bibliography:

BONELL, Carmen (1999) - La Divina Proporción. Las formas geométricas, Ediciones UPC, Barcelona.
BROWN, Simon (1997) -Practical Feng Shui. Arrange decorate and accessorize your home to promote health, wealth and happiness, Ward Lock Book, London.
GHYKA, Matila (1978) - El Número de Oro. Editorial Poseidon, S.L., Barcelona.
LE CORBUSIER (2002) -Por uma Arquitectura, Editora Perspectiva, São Paulo.
KONG, Mário Say Ming (2012), -Harmonia e Proporção. Um olhar sobre o Desenho Arquitetónico no Ocidente e no Oriente, Insidecity Editor, Lisboa.




- Theoretical and practical classes - Continuous evaluation, that will be materialize in - research work - exercices related to the studied subjects given in class, that will be presented in a portfolio way - assuidity and participation in classes (value of 10% in a scale of 20 - 0% to absent students and 10% to students that attend frequently and participate in classes


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